
bosch injector nozzle specifications DLLA154PN270/105019-1540 for Zexel

agricultural spray nozzles DLLA145P875/093400-8750 Common Rail Spray Nozzle

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bosch hole type nozzle DSLA156P1079/0 433 175 314 Common Rail Nozzle

Flow Wong - Freelance designer, graded in Hong Kong Design Institute. Good at CAD drawing and teaching
F設計 / 珠寶設計Flow Wong

Joy Rider 超輕可摺式電動輪椅。Joy Rider源自全球公認最輕的,非常成功的Zinger折疊式電動輪椅。兩款型號均引用了開創性的創新專利及設計,在全球熱賣。Joy Rider採用與Zinger相同的超輕量級設計,設計簡潔摩登,加配可單手操作的控制器,讓用家更容易操控使用,令用家行動性更為自主。
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